
Baby Update

10 Weeks

How far along: 10 weeks and 4 days

Maternity Clothes: Work pants, but its notl like I need them, they're just comfy

Stretch Marks: Nothing new, yet

Sleep: Sleep has been great. I can still go on my stomach (if my boobs aren't hurting too much)

Best Moment this Week: Finally telling people at work, some know some don't.

Movement: We saw the baby move last Friday on the ultrasound, but I'm WAY to early to feel anything

Food Cravings: It changes everyday

Gender: We think its probably a boy, but again, I'm way too early. I think we find out at about 20 weeks.

Labor Signs: Heck no

Belly Button: Innie (still). That sucker is deep, its not going to pop anytime soon.

What I Miss: Having a glass of wine after work, staying up late, having a sex drive.

What I'm Looking Forward to this Week: hmmmm, continuing on my streak of no morning sickness, maybe having more energy now that I'm on medication for the hypothydroidism.

Weekly Wisdom: Breath! Relax. Go to sleep earlier.

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