

Nobody really tells you that you have some really crazy dreams when you are pregnant. I've heard that people have dreams about like half kitten-half baby dreams (my sister in law) or they have dreams about the sex of the baby (I had one of those, it was a little girl).

Last night I dreamt that "they" meaning the doctors and nurses wouldn't let me know the sex of the baby. We find out on Friday and it has been on my mind NON stop lately so I must be having a little anxiety and a lot of anticipation for that. It's sort of like this fun little argument going on in our house. I'm team Pink, Mike is team blue. We are so competitive. I hope I win this one.

Either way I'm happy. The "BIG" ultrasound is for more than determining the sex, it is for looking at the vital organs and basically making sure everything is running very smoothly down in my belly.

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