
You're a girl, and I am speechless

I twittered earlier with the news of the babies girl-ness and I spelled utterly wrong. I spelled it like cow udders, udderly. I'm embarrassed, but I didn't fix it. I feel that maybe I spelled it that way because I feel like a cow? Just a funny thought.

So dude, our baby has girl parts. Straight up. The ultrasound tech even let me "call the play" so to speak. He asked me if I could take a guess and I knew immediately. I was looking for either "hamburger" or "turtle". I saw NOTHING that resembled a cute little turtle but I saw those three little lines that scream GIRL.

I gotta love my husband. Mr. Rough Outerlayer shed a few tears, but I couldn't see him (or the tears) because he was out of my view and in the back of the room with nearly every family member we could squeeze in the tiny room.

So yeah, just a quick one right now. I'll post up the u/s picks when I scan them in on the home computer.

Adios, I'm going to buy me SOME PINK SHIT!! (Oh yeah, I knew I could figure out a way to class this post up).

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