
A scare, volume 2

I have a very active baby. I felt her first kicks SIX weeks ago when I was only 19 measly weeks along and since then the kicking and rolling has picked up in pace, and intensity (OUCH).

In the last few weeks the kicks have been getting higher and higher and finally above my belly button. I loved poking on my belly and then she would kick me right where my finger was. Our first little game. But last week, starting Wednesday evening not much of that was happening anymore. Like she was just kind of a lazy bones and didn't feel like moving around much anymore. I was thinking maybe she got stuck (hm) or was dead (not cool, I know, but really). So I played her favorite song and finally felt a little bit of movement but WAY down low and very light. I let it go because I felt her and that was all that mattered.

She stayed pretty quiet through Thursday and I really started to worry but again I played music and ate some sugary food and I felt her perk up a bit, but low again and not very hard. I went to sleep that night with a heavy heart.

On Friday morning I had tortured myself enough. I went to the my office but ended up calling the doctor after being there for an hour an in a panic-induced sweat. They told me to come in for an ultrasound right away. I went home to pick up Mike and we headed do the doctor. And waited... and waited... and waited... and we finally got back to the ultrasound room and there was my baby on the screen, little heartbeat going a million miles an hour (actually like 160 BPM) and her little legs and feet kicking up a storm. BUT I couldn't feel it at all.

Turns out little Ms. Stubborn is (or was) breech. Her head is clear up between my rib cage and her legs are kicking my cervix and bladder. But then on Saturday and Sunday she moved around and nobody tells you that when your baby COMPLETELY MOVES SIDES INSIDE OF YOU, it is pretty painful. Not like OUCH painful but definitely uncomfy. Now I think she is laying sideways. Her kicks are once again hard, still kinda low but they are there. And that is what matters.

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