

I can officially say that as a parent, I am in for it now.

We had our 16 week ultrasound yesterday and while at first the ultrasound tech said "looks like a girl to me", the baby moved and BAM! there was penis.

I'm having a boy.

I had convinced myself, and my husband, and my friend and family that I was pregnant with another girl so to say I am shocked is a total understatement.

Mike is unbelievably happy. This man who I've known for six years and who I have seen cry all of twice was a ball of tears while we were waiting for my doctors appointment to begin, after we found out we were having a boy. His tears were made of flash forwards; baseball games, barbecues, rough housing. Mine were of shock, but now that I've had a good 24 hours to get used to it, I love the idea.

One for each of us.
My girl. His boy.
Our perfect family of four.

1 comment:

Historic Homes in the Heart of Phowenix said...

So happy for both of you! I can't wait to meet Henry Dee!