
Watching the weeks pass by...

Today, just for an FYI for those who are keeping track, I am 13 weeks 4 days and OFFICIALLY in my second trimester. Consequently I got my first "I see baby bump comment" from a coworker. Maybe I should stay away from the maternity dresses for a little while longer, just a thought. But they're just so damn comfortable! AND THE PANTS! WITH THE PANELS! I'm not religious at all BUT THANK YOU LORD BABY JESUS!

I broke another tooth. Apparently it's my first molar, on the right lower side, according to google. It doesn't hurt because it has been broken before, it's just pokey. My lip keeps getting stuck on it. I'd take a picture, but I really don't want to freak you out. I think it's the babies fault. S/he keeps sucking the calcium from me. Is that why I could be getting so many bruises too?

Side note: It's really hot in my office. I mean this is Phoenix, its like70 degrees outside here anyway but my office has got to be on the wrong side of 80. Yipes.

I got a call from my doctor (I feel like all I do is go to the doctor and talk to the doctor, guhhh). My NT scan results came back. I'm at 1/10,000 for Downs and 1/10,000 for Trisomy. I feel very lucky. I know someone who suffered with Trisomy 18 and the story doesn't end well. I'm feeling incredibly blessed today, to be healthy and to have a healthy child growing within me.

Mike wants to build a skate ramp in our backyard.

I need opinions, please. Pro: Awesome. Con: Noisy. What to dooo, what to doooo.

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