

Baby Update
17 Weeks (And it is my birthday today!)
How far along: 17 weeks and 5 days

Maternity Clothes: Yes puhlease! Things are really starting to not fit right so maternity clothes (especially dresses) are a God sent

Stretch Marks: Some existing ones are getting a little more red. Mostly on my hips. Suck it.

Sleep: Awesome but no longer comfy on my tummy, plus I feel like I'm going to squish Deetus. Lots of crazy ass dreams though.

Best Moment this Week: Will be tomorrow, we find out if we have girl parts or boy parts.

Movement: I think I feel things every so often, but I'm not 100% sure. Could be gas, I have lots of that.

Food Cravings: Spaghetti's and BLT's

Gender: We find out tomorrow, but there is for sure a girl trend happening right now.

Labor Signs: No way, thank goodness.

Belly Button: I'm telling you, it is never going to pop.

What I Miss: Being comfortable. Clothes are mostly too tight, laying on my right side sucks, can't lay on my stomach, can't cross my legs, I'm out of breath all the time. Wow, rant city, sorry.

What I'm Looking Forward to this Week: Big ultrasound for sure, but today too, since it is my bday.

Weekly Wisdom: pick up some maternity tights/stockings. BEST. INVENTION. EVER!

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