
21 Week baby update

21 weeks

How far along: 21 weeks and 4 days

Maternity Clothes: Everything I'm wearing now is maternity besides a few XL t-shirts that I can still fit over my growing gut.

Stretch Marks: None on the actual belly yet but the ones no my sides are getting longer and more red every single day.

Sleep: Not so good. My hips ache if I don't have a pillow or blanket between my legs. No more sleep on the belly whatsoever and it seems as though overnight our mattress has become the most uncomfortable thing on the planet.

Best Moment this Week: Baby kicking Mike in the head a few times.

Worst Moment: I feel SO dramatic. All the time. And heartburn sucks a lot.

Movement: Feeling her everyday. I feel jabs and kicks. She chills out on the bottom of my stomach and on the left side a lot which is weird. Mike thinks that maybe she'll be a lefty because of it.

Food Cravings: Still was BLT's all the time (had them last night). EVERYTHING gives me heartburn so I'm not experimenting a lot. Salads do not give me heartburn.

Gender: GIRL!!!! I had a feeling she was a girl and I was right. Gotta love that mothers intuition.

Labor Signs: No way Jose.

Belly Button: Last time I did one of these I said "I'm telling you, it's never going to pop". Well it still hasn't popped but I check for depth everyday and its getting more and more shallow as time goes on.

What I Miss: A sexdrive.

What I'm Looking Forward to this Week: Phoenix AM this weekend. I need to spend a ton of time outside while the weather is nice.

Weekly Wisdom: Those probably ARE baby kicks you are feeling. I didn't think so but now it is undeniable.

Babies size: According to the bump, a cantaloupe.

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