
Half way done

Whoa. Those words are making my head spin (or that could just be a case of the pregnancy dizzies [show reference... anyone??] I've been getting). I can't believe that as of last Saturday (the 20th) I was officially 20 weeks pregnant. As of today I am 21 weeks and 3 days. Time is moving SO fast. Here is my 20 week pic:

Our little girl is starting to kick the shit out of my insides. She is really left side friendly, which I need to ask my doctor about at my next appointment on Friday. Last night Mike felt her kicking him straight in the noggin. It seemed like every time he spoke she maybe got a bit startled and then he kicked her. It happened 4 or 5 times. Every single day that things continue to go well (which thank GOD is everyday) I am truly amazed at the things that are happening. Mike and I made a baby. We say this to each other often when we realize it. We look at my belly and go "holy crap, we made that because we love each other". It is pure joy.

We made our first big baby purchase and WHO KNEW that buying a stroller/car seat/travel system was such a pain in the ass? A few Sunday's ago we spent hours, I am not even kidding, at Babies-R-Us looking at strollers. Not one employee helped or even asked if we needed help while we pulled stroller after stroller and car seat after car seat off the shelves in the store. We left both frustrated and strollerless. Then I realized that Mecca aka Target carried strollers. And REALLY cute ones. So I bit the bullet and got one. The body is brown and the interior of the stroller and car seat is pink, green, light yellow and blue polka dots. Adorable AND gender neutral. It is called the Graco Alano Travel System in Little Wonders.

My dad and step mom also bought us a crib and a crib mattress. I'm not sure when it is going to be here but I'm SO excited about it. It is the Graco "Sarah" crib in Espresso (which is just a fancy name for black). It is a 4 in 1 convertible crib so we'll be getting a ton of mileage out of it. Here is a picture:

Again, ours is in black but we cannot wait to see it and start putting her room together. We're both sort of anti-pink EVERYTHING so we've decided to paint only one wall a very light pink. Other than that the decor of her room is still up in the air. I want lots of vintage touches though. A girl should have an elegant room, no matter what the age.

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