
A Pregnancy Pep-Talk

Dear Stefanie,

At 24 years old you have come a long way. You should be proud of your job, your husband and your thriving daughter within. You should be somewhat proud of your somewhat potty trained pug Ollie, you love her, just admit it.

You can do this. You know exactly what I am talking about. You can be scared. It's a totally weird and new and scary process but try to think about the AMAZING part of this rather than the "holy shit" part of this. Your body was made for this. You skin has been stretching seamlessly (almost). Your proportions are growing correctly. You are meant to be a mother and you're going to be a really good one with the right amount of tough and the right amount of love mixed together.

Shit happens, ya know? Shit happens all the time. Yeah that hypothyroidism crap sucks but its SO under control and the RH- negative thing is common. The shot you have to get in your ass every so often really isn't a big deal and it can help you and your baby. Your BP may be a touch high, but get out there and walk a bit more. Walk at lunch while you still can, and while it is less than 90 degrees out because WE ALL know that won't last too much longer. Take Ollie on a long walk around the block at night after work now that the days are a touch longer. Do good things for your body and your body will thank you.

Everybody feels anxiety. I want to remind you of that. Everybody at some point or another in their life has a big of anxiousness and then its done. If you dwell on yours; you go from a tad of anxiety to a full blown panic attack and that does not fit in with what we talked about up in that last paragraph (doing good things for your body). So try to do good things for your mind as well, your brain will thank you later.

Stop being selfish. Your life is no longer your life. You are growing a tiny person inside of you who relies on the crap you put into your mouth and the exercise you get everyday and when you aren't doing good things that baby just won't be feeling it either.

Positive affirmations. Do good things to your body. Do good things to your mind. Good for body and good for mind.

1 comment:

Katie said...
