
Giving nursing another shot

One thing I'm really looking forward to with baby number two  is giving breastfeeding another shot.  Although Charlotte latched on my boob all of 2 or 3 times EVER, I continued to pump morning, noon and night to give her breast milk.  I stopped when I had to go back to work, at 8 weeks. I regret stopping so soon.  I am one of those mothers who does think that breast is best when it comes to feeding, but I'm all for formula too. There isn't anything wrong with formula whatsoever as my kid was on it for 10+ months, and turned out just fine. I should have been pumping while I'm at work but a couple of factors played in here:

1. My work provides no sort of private room (restroom or otherwise) for thing such as pumping
2. My work provides no sort of breaks for things such as pumping
3. Breast milk storage would be nearly impossible. With a shared refrigerator at work, and a somewhat strong male presence here at the office I believe I would have been uncomfortable with storing my milk in a public setting and I wouldn't have want to make anyone else uncomfortable.

The first two factors of course played into the most obvious reason why I didn't/couldn't continue breastfeeding, the third thing well, I could have gotten around it somehow.

I'm not going to let those factors play into breastfeeding this time around though.  I'm hoping that Henry will be a good latcher (my husband is convinced he will be because he himself was a breastfeeding champ, TMI?). But that is not enough to convince me to make a long haul out of it.  I look forward to a month, maybe two or three or even longer if it works out that way but if it doesn't it's really not a big deal. I found it to be a blissfully frustrating thing with Charlotte and I'm sure it will be that way again. It took a toll on my body (bleeding nipples and mastitis anyone?) but I felt it was a price to pay.

Another factor is time. Charlotte will be around 22 months when Henry is born. She runs and jumps and plays hard and gets into all sorts of trouble. There is no sitting around with her so I think I will find it difficult to devote time to sitting and nursing as well.

I know, it's starting to sound like I'm making excuses but I've done this before unsuccessfully and will take another crack at it.

I'm really looking forward to documenting round two!


Brittanni said...

I really enjoy reading your posts about pregnancy. The only thing is that all your REALNESS freaks me out!

Stefanie Dee said...

Like talking about my nipples? HAHAHAHA.