
Baby Update (25 weeks down, 15(ish) to go)

Yo friends.

I haven't updated much about baby Dee lately and I apologize. Things are hectic at work and home and if I'm not chasing my boss around the office or Charlotte around the house I am sleeping, or have my feet up on the ottoman watching Top Chef: Texas.

As of today I am 25 weeks pregnant. We know baby  Dee is a BOY!!! and will refer to him as Henry from here on out. Because that will be his name. Henry Michael Dee.

Maternity Clothes: I am happy to be in maternity clothes once again. I forgot about how comfy they are and how lovely they feel. It's almost like wearing jammies all day. Downside: My almost entirely new maternity collection of tops/tees/work shirt are getting to the point where they don't fit around my belly. Already. Horray.

Stretch Marks: Since I am carrying this kid  WAY lower than I carried Charlotte I don't really have any new stretch marks down on the bottom of my belly the way I had them with Charlotte. I do have about two small little lines forming on top of my belly, since my skin is stretching downwards to accommodate for this child who sits incredibly low. You can imagine how often I pee. Moral of the story: My old stretchmarks are still there, they've turned white and are barely noticeable, but now I'm getting new ones and that is OK too. My battle scars.

Sleep: I'm so tired all the time, and still sleeping pretty well. My hips are starting to ache a little bit but it doesn't last through the day like it did when I was pregnant with Charlotte, not yet anyway. I'm hoping that is because my hips are still pretty stretched out from Charlotte. Yucky thought, right?

Best Moment this Week: Finally seeing movement on the outside.  And having Mike see it too. 

Worst Moment: I'm just tired. And starting to feel like a pregnant person. I want carbs and sleep. Bad combo.

Movement:This is a very active baby. I don't remember Charlotte being so active so early on (this could have something to do with my caffeine intake). Pretty much all day he is kicking me in the gut. It's not uncomfortable, just a bit distracting.

Food Cravings: Hawaiian shaved ice. Any flavor. 

Labor Signs: Some braxton hicks if I don't drink enough water. But that's it for now.

Belly Button: It's not really popped out, its more like stretched out as far as possible. It's kinda gross but who cares. 

Here's a weird and crappy picture from my camera phone. Happy Tuesday to you!

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