
29 weeks

From here on out I'll try to update the blog on a (at least) weekly blog.

Today I am 29 weeks.
I had an appointment yesterday for a growth ultrasound and to get a good peek at baby Hank via a 3d/4d ultrasound. And he is cute. And flexible. And I think he has hair.  Take a look:

A few things to point out: That is his foot up by his head on the left side of the picture. Flexi-baby. He is measuring a few weeks ahead in terms of length and weight but my due date will not change. Right now he is weighing just over 3 lbs and still has a lot of growing left to do. Oh and he is head down. Another difference from Charlotte, who was breech. I'm hoping he stays head down so we can have a successful VBAC.

In comparison, here is a picture of Charlotte at around 32 weeks:
I don't think that him and his sister look alike. His head looks a little rounder and not so oval like Charlotte. His lips are thinner, but I do think they have the same nose and chubby cheeks (but don't all babies have chubby cheeks?). Other than that it's really hard to tell what is going on in there, in terms of how he'll look. But he'll be perfect, regardless.

As far as I'm concerned well, I feel great. My birthday was Sunday and Mike made sure I was well fed, relaxed and stress free. It was a great day.  My back and hips are sore but it comes and goes. The less I pick up Charlotte the better I feel so I've been taking it easy in that sense. I'm not swelling much but I do get hives on occasion. Something that never happened when I was pregnant with Charlotte, so the Dr. took a blood test today to make sure everything was ok with my liver. I'm very big, people think I'm about to go into labor any second which makes riding the elevator with strangers kind of funny. I think my belly is measuring right on target but I look more like I did when I was 33-35 weeks.

I think its going to be a long few months but I know that it's hard and what it takes and I'm prepared. I'm taking it easy and relaxing as much as I can and enjoying being pregnant for what may be the last time. And I'm getting really excited to meet our Henry.

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