
A love letter...

Like most truly lucky people in life, I was blessed with some amazing best friends. Friends that stick around no matter what happens. Friends through long absences, ridiculous high school fights that somehow last years, through breakups and make ups, babies and marriages.

In high school I was sort of the chameleon. I hung out with the stoners (I was one of them), the preppy kids (one of them too, as hard as I tried to deny it), the cheerleaders (not one of them), the skate crowd and everyone in between. I made myself available for long term relationships in high school, after countless hours of my parents going on and on about their high school friendships that lasted a long time. My fatal mistake though was thinking back then all I needed to get through those four seemingly endless years was a boyfriend. So I had lots of them, was always with one, and when I wasn't I was devastated, drawn away from people and life and everything happening around me. I didn't learn from those mistakes of course but I did eventually learn how to lessen the blow.

During sophomore year enrollment I learned I had an extra elective to use up so I decided to enroll in dance. It was a stretch for me, the last time I wore ballet slippers I was five years old and doing somersaults in a poodle costume on stage. But in that dance class and the years that preceded it I met the two people who have such a profound effect on my life, and have changed the way I see relationships forever...

In 2003 and 2004 there wasn't a day gone by without Brittanni and Stacey and Stef. It was all summers in the car blasting music, long shifts at the local (and now defunct) pizzeria we all worked at together, older boys and booze and breakups. House parties on Friday nights after football games, breaking curfew and breaking some hearts along the way. I may look back at those two years as some of the best of my life. I felt like myself, like I didn't have to play the unenthusiastic stoner or the overly enthusiastic preppy chick (I wore a lot of hats). I could just be me and be loud and crazy and not worry about being judged. I realize now what a weight off my shoulders that was.

Now 10 years later its not that different, besides a few kids and a few marriage licenses thrown in the mix its still the three of us. Just less often, but just as ridiculous as it used to be. Friendship that can go weeks without a peep from any one of us but pick up like we talked yesterday. It's amazing how I don't realize how much I miss them until they call and it makes me pine for a night of normalcy and drinks and going out without throw up on my shirt.

So this is for you girls as a reminder of where we've been, where we are now and where we'll be going. Together.

May our friendship never drown in our absences, but may they flourish amidst them.


C- Dizzle said...

Wish you'd write more. LOL (you are like, wow- Cass is a creeper). You write so well.

:) Miss ya.

Brittanni said...

I love this post. You have not only been my best friend since that first day in dance that I told you youoot tattoo was awesome, but you've also been my family. I love you Stef.