
32 weeks

Not too much is new this week, with the exception of the nice patch of zits that have popped up on my cheeks. I'm going to chalk it up to stress or a hormone surge or something like that.

Lists are starting to be made (what we need, what to pack to the hospital, etc...), clothes are being washed and since getting Charlotte a bed, the crib has been moved into Henry's room. In the next few weeks I expect to be washing bottles, pacifiers, toys, blankets and everything else a newborn baby needs.

I'm on the lookout for some new nursing bra's. My old ones don't fit anymore because my boobs just keep getting bigger and bigger. Waa waa, right? I know but its really annoying having like 7 different size bras and no knowing which will fit when my milk comes in, and which will fit post nursing. Like right now, 1 sort of fits. The rest are in a pile along with my postpartum granny panties. Giving birth is SO glamorous.

According to my babycenter iPhone app that pops up every Tuesday: My baby is 3.75 pounds (as if) and 16.7 inches long and taking up a lot of room in my uterus. No shit Sherlock.

When I was pregnant with Charlotte Mike and I took a babymoon to San Diego. And it was lovely. And people stared at me. But this is one of my favorite pictures of me of all time.  This was in the beginning of June, and I was 31 weeks. Compare that to last weeks picture at 31 weeks and I am a little larger and I stick out a lot more like a torpedo. Pregnancies are weird.

Now here is the kicker for the week.... Charlotte is a little obsessed with my belly. She thinks its weird and pulls up my shirt to see it and she calls it "baby". I still don't think she fully comprehends what is going on but it's cute nonetheless. And she kisses it a lot too. Which, ya know, I die.  I turned on my iphone's camera and  wanted to record a little bit of our Monday night to share with all of you.

1 comment:

Brittanni said...

That is the sweetest thing. Charlotte is such a doll, yes I said doll. And don't think I didnt notice your reference to "as if." I love it :)